802 6th Street North, Haines City
Contract Solicitation Number: DQ 25-032
Start Date: | End Date | Open Date: |
November 8, 2024 |
Bid Placement: Bids
Pre-Bid Conference: A MANDATORY site-visit will be held on Thursday, October 31,2024, at 10:00 a.m. An authorized representative or agent of the Bidder must be present at this meeting as evidenced by their signature on the meeting’s sign-in sheet, or the Bidder’s quote will be considered non-responsive. To obtain a copy of the Asbestos Surveys & Photos for DQ 25-032 - 802 6th Street North, Haines City demolition project please go the following FTP site:https://ftp3.polk-county.net, you will be prompted for a User ID and Password. The User ID is procurevendor and the password is solicitation. After you have logged in to the FTP site, double click on the file folders “DQ 25-032 - 802 6th Street North, Haines City - Asbestos Survey”, select “Open” or “Save As” to download the quote documents. If you need assistance accessing this website due to ADA or any other reason, please email Mike Baselice at mikebaselice@polkcounty.net
Mike Baselice - Mikebaselice@polk-county.net
DQ-25-032-Quote-Package.pdf - View File
DQ-25-032-Recap.pdf - View File