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PCFR Responds to Hwy. 60 Motor Vehicle Crash and Tanker Leak

Published: February 14, 2024

Mulberry, Fla. (Feb. 14, 2024) — Polk County Fire Rescue crews responded to a motor vehicle crash involving a semi-truck and pickup truck on Hwy 60 in Mulberry on Tuesday, Feb. 13.

PCFR arrived on scene in approximately six minutes of being dispatched at 9:44 p.m. and found two occupants heavily entrapped. PCFR’s Engine 8 and Squad 15 started the extrication process on both the vehicles involved after evaluating the scene and were later aided by Heavy Rescue 9.

During the extrication process, a leak was noted from the semi-truck. PCFR’s Special Operations (Heavy Rescue 9) team members quickly worked to control the molten sulfur that was leaking from the semi-truck.

Two patients were trauma alerted and transported to local trauma centers. One patient went by Aeromed.

Due to the crash and subsequent leak, both east- and west-bound lanes of Hwy 60 were closed during the containment process. The lanes re-opened at 3:54 a.m. once the leak was contained. Please avoid the area if possible. The State Warning Point has been notified.

The cause of the crash is currently under investigation.

Responding units for the incident were Engine 8, Tender 15, Battalion Chief 6, Medical Rescue 15, Medical Rescue 2, Heavy Rescue 9, Safety Officer 501, Medical Rescue 28 and Battalion Lead 501.

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