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Due to no waste collection services on Monday, Sept. 2, county residential waste customers will follow the holiday collection schedule.

Roads and Drainage

Home / Public Safety / Roads and Drainage

Jay M. Jarvis, P.E.

Phone: (863) 535-2200
Toll Free: (800) 780-5346


Street Address:
3000 Sheffield Road
Winter Haven, FL 33880

Office Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

What We Do

The Roads and Drainage Division for Polk County is responsible for the maintenance of existing county-owned roadway and drainage infrastructure, and the construction of new infrastructure to provide safe roadways for our residents and visitors. Roads and Drainage also receives and reviews Utility Right of Way Permits as well as road and lane closures on county roads.

aerial of roads and drainage

Our Organization

The Division has six sections and staffs 267 full-time employees. Sections are Administration, Project Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Asset Management, Survey & Mapping and Roadway Maintenance, which includes Drainage.

We are responsible for:

  • More than 2,750 centerline miles of roadway; that’s more than some state transportation departments
  • 182 bridges
  • 500 miles of sidewalks and 600 miles of drainage pipes
  • 125,000 traffic signs and nearly 300 traffic signals

Road Inventory

A Polk County interactive map gives residents access to the most up-to-date information on the county’s roads. You can search the online portal by address, road name or road number and see an aerial image of the road, interact with the road on Google Street View, see the length of the road and the roads it connects to and learn the road speed limit.

Road and Lane Closure Permits

If you are going to perform a project or special event that impedes traffic on county roads, or working within 15 feet of the edge of the road on county right-of-way for more than two hours, you need to request a lane closure. Road closures are only granted when no other option exists and for the shortest time required to finish the indicated scope of work.

There is no fee to request a closure.

To request a lane or road closure, complete the appropriate form and email it to, at least 10 working days prior to the needed closure date. You must include a map indicating the location and the Temporary Traffic Control Plan (TTC) that will be used.

You will be notified when your closure request has been approved. Roads and Drainage will notify first responder agencies and other appropriate authorities.

Click here to access the Road Closure Form

Click here to access the Lane Closure Form
