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Public Notices

Official Polk County Public Notice Website

Florida Public Notices website

Future Public Hearings
Public Notice Sign #Case Name/NumberPlanning Commission MeetingBoCC Public HearingLand Use Hearing Officer
1LDPVAR-2024-1 Lakeland Regional ER Sign01/08/2025
2LDCPAS-2024-27- Laroche Road CPA01/08/20252/18/2025
3LDCPAL-2024-9- Park Industrial CPA01/08/202502/02/2025 & 05/20/2025
4LDCU-2024-36- Rodriguez Rights Restoration ABC Road01/08/202501/21/2025
5Reyes / LDLSE-2024-1001/23/2025
6Alvarez / LDLSE-2024-1101/23/2025
8LDCU-2024-1 - Small Bay Auto Sales02/05/2025
9LDCU-2024-37 - Posner Peserve 02/05/2025
10LDCU-2024-38 & LDDRI-2024-1 SFM DRI DO Extension02/05/202503/04/2025
11LDCU-2024-39 - St. Helena Sand Mine Extenstion02/05/2025
12LDPD-2024-21 - Crooked C Ranch02/05/2025
13LDWA-2024-60 - Pitt Road Waiver02/05/2025
14LDCPAS-2024-28 - Space Storage Inc. CPA02/05/202503/04/2025
15LDCPAS-2024-34 - Orchid Springs CPA02/05/202503/04/2025
16Road Pro / LDLVAR-2024-6602/25/2025
17St. Pierre / LDLVAR-2024-6702/25/2025
32US 27 NR SAP ECX 09/03/2024
76Villages of Imperial Lakes/LDPD-2024-2/Appeal06/05/202408/06/2024
82Socrum Loop Rd Retention Ponds CPA/LDCPAL-2024-108/6/2024 & 12/17/2024
83N 640 Industrial Park CPA/LDCPAL-2024-308/6/2024 & 10/1/2024
96Wahneta Main Street Commercial Overlay/LDCPAL-2024-208/07/202409/03/2024 & 11/5/2024
108Dove Meadow Event Facility/LDCU-2023-53 08/07/2024
109Arcosa Crushed Concrete/LDCU-2024-1708/07/2024
110New Wales Sand Mine/LDCU-2024-1808/07/2024
111W. Pipkin Road INST CPA/LDCPAS-2024-5 08/07/202409/17/2024
112Banana Lake ROS/LDCPAS-2024-808/07/202409/03/2024
113CR 540A ROS/LDCPAS-2024-9 08/07/202409/03/2024
118Hall Communication/LDCPAS-2024-12 09/04/202410/15/2024
119Copalas Market/LDCPAS-2024-609/04/2024 10/15/2024
120Crystal Lake/LDCPAS-2024-1809/04/202410/15/2024
121Homeland Park/LDCPAS-2024-1709/04/202410/15/2024
1225955 South Florida/LDCPAS-2024-1309/04/202410/15/2024
123Spirit Lake/LDCPAS-2024-309/04/202410/15/2024
124CPA Jones Property/LDCPAS-2024-1109/04/202410/15/2024
125LDCPAL-2024-11/Nichols CPA09/04/202412/17/2024 & 02/18/2025
126River Ranch/LDCPAS-2024-1409/04/202410/15/2024
127Highland City Field/LCPAS-2024-1509/04/202410/15/2024
129LDCPAL-2024-12 North Prong Industrial10/02/202411/05/2024 & 01/07/2025
130LDCPAS-2024-22 Lake Blue10/02/202411/05/2024
131LDCPAS-2024-23 Lake Cannon10/02/202411/05/2024
132LDCPAS-2024-24 Lake Rosalie10/02/202411/05/2024
133LDCU-2023-53 - Dove Meadow Event Facility10/02/2024
134LDCU-2024-23 Outdoor Shed Sales10/02/2024
135LDCU-2024-24 Non-Phosphate Borrow Pit North Prong Mine10/02/2024
136LDCU-2024-25 U.S. Hwy 27 Big Box Retail Center10/02/2024
137LDCU-2024-27 Polk Regional Water Cooperative10/02/2024
139LDCPS-2024-16 Dinaco LLC CPA10/02/202411/19/2024
140LDPD-2024-11 US 17/92 & Deer Run Drive PD10/02/2024
141LDCPAS-2024-19 POSH - OFFICE Lakeland Highland10/2/202411/19/2024
142LDCPAL-2024-5-Grenelefe LDCPAL-2024-6 Grenelefe Text Comp Plan LDCT-2024-10 Grenelefe Text10/02/202411/05/2024 & 01/07/2024
-LDCT-2024-18 Section 220 Warehouse Separation CPA10/02/2024
143Cati Special Exception/LDLSE-2024-710/24/2024
144Classic Controls/LDLVAR-2024-3810/24/2024
145Anglin Variance/LDLVAR-2024-3910/24/2024
146Hamamy Variance / LDLVAR-2024-4011/12/2024
147Hirsch Variance / LDLVAR-2024-4110/24/2024
148Nickerson Variance/LDLVAR-2024-4210/24/2024
149LDCPAS-2024-21 Parkview Christian CPA11/06/202412/17/2024
150LDSPD-2024-2 Garfield Nursery11/06/2024
151LDPD-2024-14 Sun Haven11/06/2024
152LDCU-2024-26 Angel Roman11/06/2024
153LDCU-2024-28 Pinecrest Mine11/06/2024
154LDCU-2024-29 Apartments @ US-2711/06/2024
155LDCPAS-2024-20 Paul Paris11/06/202412/17/2024
156LDCU-2024-22 Tay Mobile Home11/06/2021
157LDCPAL-2024-12 North Prong IND CPA11/06/202412/17/2024 & 02/18/2025
158Mejias / LDLSE-2024-811/12/2024
159Shim Variance / LDLVAR-2024-4311/12/2024
160Heikkinen Variance / LDLVAR-2024-4511/12/2024
161Chipotle Store #4776 Variance / LDLVAR-2024-4611/12/2024
162Pacheco Variance / LDLVAR-2024-4711/12/2024
163Romero Variance / LDLVAR-2024-4811/12/2024
164116 Pasco Variance / LDLVAR-2024-5111/12/2024
165Chavez Variance / LDLVAR-2024-5211/12/2024
166Brown Variance / LDLVAR-2024-5311/12/2024
167Visca Corp. / LDLVAR-2024-5511/12/2024
168Colon Variance/ LDLVAR-2024-5412/10/2024
169Bachman Variance/ LDLVAR-2024-5612/10/2024
170Teasley Variance/ LDLVAR-2024-5812/10/2024
171Smith Variance / LDLVAR-2024-591/23/2025
172Colon Arroyo Variance/ LDLVAR-2024-6112/10/2024
173Fernandez Variance/ LDLVAR-2024-6212/10/2024
174LDCU-2024-21 Main Street Quadplexes 12/04/2024
175LDCU-2024-2024-31 Milestone Towers12/04/2024
176LDCU-2024-34 RCMA Mulberry12/04/2024
177LDCU-2024-33 Bradley Junction12/04/2024
178LDCPAS-2024-25 Boy Scout CPA12/04/202402/18/2025
179LDCU-2024-29 Apartments @ US-2712/04/2024
180LDSD-2024-1 Champions Crossing 12/04/2024

Business Economic Impact Statements and Hearings

Public Hearings will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2024 following the Board of County Commissioners meeting which begins at 9 a.m. in the Commission Boardroom, County Administration Building, 330 W. Church St., Bartow, FL 33030.

The proposed ordinance creates an exemption from certain ad valorem taxation for an expanding business in Polk County, referred to as Project Citrus. Project Citrus will create new, high-wage full-time jobs in Polk County and make a substantial capital investment with its expansion in Polk County.

Estimate of direct economic impact of the proposed ordinance on private, for-profit businesses in the County: No direct economic impact on private, for-profit businesses in Polk County, other than Project Citrus.

Estimate of direct compliance costs that businesses may reasonably incur: $0.00

Any new charge or fee imposed by the proposed ordinance: None.

Estimate of the County’s regulatory costs, including estimated revenues from any new charges or fees to cover such costs: $0.00

Good faith estimate of the number of businesses likely to be impacted by the proposed ordinance: 1


An ordinance increasing the salary of the members of the Polk County Commission; providing the amount of the increase; providing the effective date of the salary increase as of Jan. 1, 2025; Providing for severability; providing an effective date.

Summary of proposed ordinance: The ordinance is being proposed pursuant to Section 2.5 of the Polk County Charter and proposes a 3.40 % increase in the salaries of the Board of County Commissioners which is the lesser of the average percentage increase in the salaries of county employees for the fiscal year 23-24 (5.00%) and the percentage change in the U.S. consumer price index for 2023 (3.40%). If approved, the Commissioner’s salaries will increase from $49,617.54 to $51,304.54. The public purpose of the proposed ordinance is to provide the appropriate salary increases of the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with the County Charter.

Estimate of direct economic impact of the proposed ordinance on private, for-profit businesses in the County: $0.00

Estimate of direct compliance costs that businesses may reasonably incur: $0.00

Any new charge or fee imposed by the proposed ordinance: $0.00

Estimate of the County’s regulatory costs, including estimated revenues from any new charges or fees to cover such costs: $0.00

Good faith estimate of the number of businesses likely to be impacted by the proposed ordinance: 0

Additional information: A copy of the proposed ordinance may be requested from the Polk County Clerk’s Office.

Public Hearings will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024 following the Board of County Commissioners meeting which begins at 9:00 a.m. in the Commission Boardroom, County Administration Building, 330 W. Church St., Bartow, FL 33030.

Public hearing to discuss an ordinance limiting code enforcement and/or building division action for certain construction on property in unrecorded subdivisions.

Summary of the proposed ordinance: It is the intent of this ordinance to limiting code enforcement and/or building division action for certain construction on property in unrecorded subdivisions.

Estimate of direct economic impact of the proposed ordinance on private, for-profit businesses in the county: $0.00 (currently the only costs involved in this process with the cost of the building permit fees)

Estimate of direct compliance costs that businesses may reasonably incur: $0.00

Any new charge or fee imposed by the proposed ordinance: $0.00

Estimate of the county’s regulatory costs, including estimated revenues from any new charges or fees to cover such costs: $0.00

Good faith estimate of the number of businesses likely to be impacted by the proposed ordinance: $0.00

Public Hearings will be held on Tuesday, Sept.17, 2024 following the Board of County Commissioners meeting which begins at 9:00 a.m. in the Commission Boardroom, County Administration Building, 330 W. Church St., Bartow, FL 33030.

An ordinance to be known as the Polk County amended and restated Comprehensive Impact Fee Ordinance; amending and restating in its entirety ordinance no. 2019-056.

Summary of the proposed ordinance: The proposed ordinance amends the Polk County Amended and Restated Comprehensive Impact Fee Ordinance (Ord. 2019-056, as amended) for the purpose of imposing updated rates for Emergency Medical System (EMS), Correctional Facilities, Transportation, Educational System, Library, Park, Fire Rescue and Law Enforcement Impact Fees. Pursuant to the Ordinance, the county imposes and collects impact fees to ensure new development contributes to the reasonably anticipated costs associated with growth-necessitated capital improvements. The proposed ordinance governs the county’s collection of impact fees and thereby directly relates to a revenue source necessary to fund the county’s budget.

Estimate of direct economic impact of the proposed ordinance on private, for-profit businesses in the county: There is no direct economic impact to existing private, for-profit businesses in the county. The proposed ordinance, and the updated impact fee rates contained therein, would only apply to new land development in Polk County constructed on or after January 1, 2025.

Estimate of direct compliance costs that businesses may reasonably incur: $0.00 (No direct compliance costs to existing businesses in Polk County).

Any new charge or fee imposed by the proposed ordinance: Click on the link below to see the updated impact fee rates.

New Impact Fee Rates

Estimate of the county’s regulatory costs, including estimated revenues from any new charges or fees to cover such costs:

The estimated impact fee revenues for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 if the proposed ordinance is adopted are as follows:

• School – $150.5 million
• Roads – $24.2 million
• EMS – $0.7 million
• Correctional – $3.4 million
• Law Enforcement – $1.9 million
• Fire Rescue – $0.9 million
• Library – $0.7 million
• Parks – $4.8 million

Total: $187.1 million

Good faith estimate of the number of businesses likely to be impacted by the proposed ordinance: : 0 (No impact to existing businesses in Polk County).

Polk County Industrial Development Authority Request for Proposals

Polk County Industrial Development Authority Request for Proposals – RFP